Goblin3D 0.0.2
Graphics engine for rendering 3D wireframe on monochromatic displays and TFT LCDs without any dependency required for Arduino platform.
goblin3d.h File Reference

Header file for 3D object rendering using the Goblin3D library. More...

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>

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struct  goblin3d_obj_t
 Structure representing a 3D object for rendering using the Goblin3D library. More...


typedef void(* goblin3d_obj_draw_fn) (uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2)
 Type definition for a callback function used to draw lines between points. More...


bool goblin3d_init (goblin3d_obj_t *obj, uint32_t point_count, uint32_t edge_count)
 Initializes a 3D object structure. More...
void goblin3d_init_empty (goblin3d_obj_t *obj)
 Initializes an empty Goblin3D object. More...
void goblin3d_free (goblin3d_obj_t *obj)
 Frees the memory associated with a 3D object structure. More...
void goblin3d_precalculate (goblin3d_obj_t *obj)
 Precalculates the rotated and projected points for a 3D object. More...
void goblin3d_render (goblin3d_obj_t *obj, goblin3d_obj_draw_fn draw)
 Renders the 3D object by drawing its edges on a 2D plane. More...
bool goblin3d_add_point (goblin3d_obj_t *obj, float x, float y, float z)
 Adds a 3D point to a Goblin3D object. More...
bool goblin3d_edge_exists (goblin3d_obj_t *obj, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2)
 Checks if an edge exists between two vertices in a Goblin3D object. More...
bool goblin3d_add_edge (goblin3d_obj_t *obj, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2)
 Adds an edge between two vertices in a Goblin3D object. More...
bool goblin3d_parse_obj_file (const char *filename, goblin3d_obj_t *obj)
 Parses an OBJ file to construct a Goblin3D object. More...

Detailed Description

Header file for 3D object rendering using the Goblin3D library.

Nathanne Isip

This file contains the function declarations and data structures necessary for initializing, manipulating, and rendering 3D objects in a 2D space using the Goblin3D library. The library supports basic 3D transformations, including translation, rotation, and scaling. It is designed to work with microcontrollers and low-level graphical libraries.

The Goblin3D library provides functionalities to:

  • Initialize and free 3D objects.
  • Pre-calculate the 3D coordinates based on rotation angles.
  • Render the 3D objects onto a 2D surface.

Usage Example

goblin3d_init(&cube, 8, 12);
// Set up cube vertices and edges...
goblin3d_render(&cube, draw_function);
void goblin3d_free(goblin3d_obj_t *obj)
Frees the memory associated with a 3D object structure.
Definition: goblin3d.cpp:116
void goblin3d_precalculate(goblin3d_obj_t *obj)
Precalculates the rotated and projected points for a 3D object.
Definition: goblin3d.cpp:145
void goblin3d_render(goblin3d_obj_t *obj, goblin3d_obj_draw_fn draw)
Renders the 3D object by drawing its edges on a 2D plane.
Definition: goblin3d.cpp:185
bool goblin3d_init(goblin3d_obj_t *obj, uint32_t point_count, uint32_t edge_count)
Initializes a 3D object structure.
Definition: goblin3d.cpp:36
Structure representing a 3D object for rendering using the Goblin3D library.
Definition: goblin3d.h:72

The library supports simple perspective projection by translating the 3D coordinates into 2D screen space. It is lightweight and suitable for embedded systems with limited resources.

The library assumes that the Z-axis is pointing out of the screen, with positive values moving towards the viewer. The perspective transformation is performed by dividing the X and Y coordinates by the Z-coordinate.

The library does not handle memory management for the content of the arrays used for points and edges. The user is responsible for providing valid data and ensuring that resources are correctly freed using goblin3d_free.

Typedef Documentation

◆ goblin3d_obj_draw_fn

typedef void(* goblin3d_obj_draw_fn) (uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2)

Type definition for a callback function used to draw lines between points.

This function type is used in the goblin3d_render function to draw lines between the projected 2D points of the 3D object.

x1The X-coordinate of the starting point of the line.
y1The Y-coordinate of the starting point of the line.
x2The X-coordinate of the ending point of the line.
y2The Y-coordinate of the ending point of the line.

Function Documentation

◆ goblin3d_add_edge()

bool goblin3d_add_edge ( goblin3d_obj_t obj,
uint32_t  v1,
uint32_t  v2 

Adds an edge between two vertices in a Goblin3D object.

This function adds a new edge between two vertices (identified by their indices) in the Goblin3D object. If the edge already exists, the function returns true without adding a duplicate edge. If the edge does not exist, it is added to the edges array.

objA pointer to the Goblin3D object.
v1The index of the first vertex.
v2The index of the second vertex.
true if the edge was added successfully, false if a memory allocation error occurred.

◆ goblin3d_add_point()

bool goblin3d_add_point ( goblin3d_obj_t obj,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Adds a 3D point to a Goblin3D object.

This function adds a new 3D point to the Goblin3D object by reallocating memory for the points and storing the coordinates. The new point is added to both the original and rotated points arrays.

objA pointer to the Goblin3D object.
xThe x-coordinate of the point.
yThe y-coordinate of the point.
zThe z-coordinate of the point.
true if the point was added successfully, false if a memory allocation error occurred.

◆ goblin3d_edge_exists()

bool goblin3d_edge_exists ( goblin3d_obj_t obj,
uint32_t  v1,
uint32_t  v2 

Checks if an edge exists between two vertices in a Goblin3D object.

This function checks whether an edge exists between two specified vertices (identified by their indices) in the Goblin3D object's edges array. An edge is considered to exist if there is an edge in the array that connects the two vertices in either order.

objA pointer to the Goblin3D object.
v1The index of the first vertex.
v2The index of the second vertex.
true if the edge exists, false otherwise.

◆ goblin3d_free()

void goblin3d_free ( goblin3d_obj_t obj)

Frees the memory associated with a 3D object structure.

This function deallocates the memory used for storing the points, edges, and other data in the goblin3d_obj_t structure.

objPointer to the goblin3d_obj_t structure to free.

◆ goblin3d_init()

bool goblin3d_init ( goblin3d_obj_t obj,
uint32_t  point_count,
uint32_t  edge_count 

Initializes a 3D object structure.

This function allocates memory for the points and edges of the 3D object and sets up initial values for the rotation angles and offsets. If any memory allocation fails, the function will free any previously allocated memory and return false.

objPointer to the goblin3d_obj_t structure to initialize.
point_countThe number of points (vertices) in the 3D object.
edge_countThe number of edges connecting the points in the 3D object.
true if initialization is successful, false otherwise.

◆ goblin3d_init_empty()

void goblin3d_init_empty ( goblin3d_obj_t obj)

Initializes an empty Goblin3D object.

This function sets up an empty Goblin3D object by initializing its point and edge counts to zero and setting all point and edge pointers to NULL. This function is useful for setting up a new object before adding points and edges to it.

objA pointer to the Goblin3D object to initialize.

◆ goblin3d_parse_obj_file()

bool goblin3d_parse_obj_file ( const char *  filename,
goblin3d_obj_t obj 

Parses an OBJ file to construct a Goblin3D object.

This function reads a Wavefront OBJ file and constructs a Goblin3D object from it. The function initializes the object, reads vertices and faces from the file, and adds the corresponding points and edges to the Goblin3D object. The OBJ file should be formatted according to the standard OBJ file format specification.

filenameThe path to the OBJ file to parse.
objA pointer to the Goblin3D object to populate.
true if the OBJ file was successfully parsed and the object constructed, false if an error occurred (e.g., file not found, memory allocation failure).

◆ goblin3d_precalculate()

void goblin3d_precalculate ( goblin3d_obj_t obj)

Precalculates the rotated and projected points for a 3D object.

This function applies rotation transformations to the original 3D points and projects them onto a 2D plane. The rotation is applied in the order: X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis. The projected points are then scaled and offset based on the object's parameters.

Mathematical Representation

The rotation matrices for the X, Y, and Z axes are as follows:

  • Rotation around the X-axis:

    \[ R_x(\theta) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \cos\theta & -\sin\theta \\ 0 & \sin\theta & \cos\theta \end{pmatrix} \]

  • Rotation around the Y-axis:

    \[ R_y(\theta) = \begin{pmatrix} \cos\theta & 0 & \sin\theta \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ -\sin\theta & 0 & \cos\theta \end{pmatrix} \]

  • Rotation around the Z-axis:

    \[ R_z(\theta) = \begin{pmatrix} \cos\theta & -\sin\theta & 0 \\ \sin\theta & \cos\theta & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} \]

Given a point \((x, y, z)\), the rotated point is calculated as:

\[ \begin{pmatrix} x' \\ y' \\ z' \end{pmatrix} = R_z(\theta_z) \times R_y(\theta_y) \times R_x(\theta_x) \times \begin{pmatrix} x \\ y \\ z \end{pmatrix} \]

After applying the rotations, the 3D point is projected onto a 2D plane using the formula:

\[ x_{\text{proj}} = \frac{x'}{z'} \times scale_\text{size} + x_\text{offset} \]

\[ y_{\text{proj}} = \frac{y'}{z'} \times scale_\text{size} + y_\text{offset} \]

The z-coordinate is clamped to a minimum value to avoid division by zero or very small values, which could cause large distortions.

objPointer to the goblin3d_obj_t structure containing the 3D object data.

◆ goblin3d_render()

void goblin3d_render ( goblin3d_obj_t obj,
goblin3d_obj_draw_fn  draw 

Renders the 3D object by drawing its edges on a 2D plane.

This function uses the pre-calculated 2D points to draw lines representing the edges of the 3D object. A callback function is used to perform the actual drawing, allowing for flexibility in the rendering method.

objPointer to the goblin3d_obj_t structure containing the 3D object data.
drawA callback function used to draw lines between the points on the 2D plane.